It’s Christmas time to “Come and Find Peace” 06DEC – #312B



It’s Christmas time to “Come and Find Peace” 06DEC
It’s an annual anniversary this evening of me hearing a song that moved me beyond belief just ONLY one year ago… “Come to the Cradle”…”come and find peace”… I should say that it moved me INTO belief!

I found my PEACE with Jesus by acquiring him into my brain and grew Him in my heart. He WAS already seeded there, an immaculate birth only God could have made in me. God KNEW, Jesus grew. It was my time, so Jesus shined.

This Christmas gift of Jesus coming to me as a baby, I have surely treasured,  I have shared, and I have grown…. I have grown Jesus ALL year, and now my gift this year is FROM ME to HIM, a gift of my LIFE.

It’s true, I did keep my mystical musical merry-go-round of Christmas ALL year… And I had JOY to the Lord… On top of “Come to the Cradle”, I now have layered many new songs all year… Including “All in All” because truly God is EVERYTHING to me. And there is nothing like hearing old songs that are like new to my reborn ears…. And now, a newest song lyric, Holy Spirited to a friend who has the God-gift to write it all down and layer it with mystical music…. “Oh Jesus we give you OUR lives” … I have sang it a hundred times this week in TRUTH!!! I hear it strike a chord for all of us who have come to Christ, with a reminder of “humble hearts”, especially at Christmas…

Being proud of Jesus in us is NOT the message here… Being humbled – that WE NEED JESUS – IS THE MESSAGE…
5 “God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble.”
6 Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. ”

In due time I will be lifted by God’s hand from my sinful ways… EVERYDAY my Father asks me to recommit myself to Jesus, ever day he sends signs, guiding me by FAITH and LIGHT. God knows how to emotionally remind me that I am nothing without Him, I am everything for HIM.

I get to teach Sunday school today about how God humbled a mighty king, by taking his mind away, made him an animal, then restored him (Daniel 4, KING NEBUCHADNEZZAR ). He was lifted when he recommitted to God.

In due time we can all be lifted by God’s hand… EVERYDAY our Father asks us to recommit to Jesus, everyday He sends signs, guiding by FAITH and LIGHT.

Be humble, be filled with Christ, BE STILL. Come and find PEACE.

I begin this new gifted day today, praising…
My devotion today to my Lord, fittingly is with Psalm “52”:
“But I am like an olive tree
flourishing in the house of God;
I trust in God’s unfailing love
for ever and ever.
9 For what you have done I will always praise you
in the presence of your faithful people.
And I will hope in your name,
for your name is good.”

Amen… I truly believe…


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