Feb 1st – 9 years awakened to be 100% with Jesus – Hope for Thinker-ers like me.


Always a joy to revisit my awakening story – this is an “elevator speech” version – long elevator – but in brief – written to a new friend pastor.

I know that God has given me a gift for writing. I never asked for it, but I would NOT now trade it for anything. 9 yrs ago I tried to beg God to not “make me write” – but He didn’t let up – I always knew He made me an encourager in general,  plus my sanguine ENFP personality, and has been refocusing me for working in His Way… I take little credit except for APPRECIATING the Lord in everything. Yeah!

In my blessing of an awakening 9 yrs ago, which to my human view felt like a 0 to 60 speed ramp up, I actually now know this came from His never-ending pursuit of me, of us, for not just our sake but for serving others… Like Jarius’ daughter, Jesus just said “she’s not dead in her faith, she’s just sleeping.”… Jesus held me in the MOST gentle of wake ups all the while God was like rolling STRIKES against the bowling pins of my disbelief system that I tried to keep resetting up. Smash! GOD IS IN CHARGE! He made me realize I was on His Plan at His Dime. He took my head and I actually had to write write write, 2am 5am etc through my whole awakening. Oh, how I was SO embarrassed and confused about this writing, hid my first 20 writings in a box in my car, I thought I was going nuts… God’s plan not mine… but now I know in true Holy Spirit fashion, that He lined up the people to help me open up, He laid His ground work for me to see it was Him, like a Bread Crumb trail. And yet, not led by anyone who noticed my “lukewarm-ness”, so that I could see it was God and God alone who called my number, and my head, and never let go… I was 50:50 on Jesus, even as a lifelong Catholic then Methodist, Sunday School teacher, VBS leader, UMW leader… was maybe Jesus a prophet with a publicist? How did I REALLY know He was God’s son? So, it was over the course of 2 months that God knocked my socks off and got my head on straight, and got me educating myself.  Feb 1st is coming soon, my 100% with Jesus day 2015. It brings me to tears to think of “what if” – but God had me, never letting go…

So, for the writing,  after opening up to 2 friend pastors, then more trusted people, I started emailing my writings as more general blog-like. After 50 writings in 2 months I was 100% with Jesus. After 200 writings I was like: “Lord, can I please stop now?” NOPE… I said, what am I gonna do with all these writings? They will just sit here like my unfinished sewing machine pile. And that’s when I also was Holy Spirit led to put them into a blog post page where I’m over two thousand writings now. A daily devotion safekeeping, until I figure out what else to do with them (yes, I need to publish many people tell me). Right now I am writing my way through the Old Testament. I don’t need to write for anything but the Lord. I don’t need the income or the fame. Yet I’m so curious why I write but I know all will be revealed someday… I’m just trying to go with the flow. Eventually I could imagine myself doing public speaking of women’s groups et cetera – but it is not about me but about God using me – using us – to be encouragers – encouragers of the Word.

I’m at debbieupper.blog  because I am not a debbie-downer at all…

That’s my long-winded elevator speech of my awakening and my writing. I kissed the blarney stone twice, but it’s not all blarney. I’m a scientist and blessed that I’ve expanded into science blogs too. And I recently signed on as communications lead for a work multi-faith group. I just simply hope it helps people. I know it has helped me find God in everything… I’m even sharing sermons on occasion as a “pinch-hitter” while we are inbetween pastors at our community church. 

We are all so different but we are also together in God’s plan for His Purposes..

I’m understanding that His Net is woven, strand by strand, strengthened and restructured. And some of us are on the fill in the tiny threads section that captures Thinker-ers like me, one at a time.

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