Sharing from a friend for positive outlooks in ailments and life!


I was thinking about a friend’s positive outlook being so helpful in his many many years of illness, ailments, hospital stays, multiple transplants, etc. Some folks I know also experience sadness working havoc on their motivation, maybe more than their illness does. So I asked my devoted-faith friend: “Do you have any words of advice for looking up, for faith, when health (or life) is stressed?”

Here are excerpts of his response: 

“Hmmm, tough one! I’ve been through so much in my life it’s become a defense. My mantra is there is good in everything bad, but you have to look for it. I see life as a book of experiences and thank God for all of them, good or bad.

“Sadness… I like the comparison of a horse walking in a pasture in the exact same circle wearing a deep path. You have to get out of that circle of ruminating. I get mad at my self when depression sets in and make my self stop thinking in a negative poor me way. 

“Health issues are an experience, I want experiences so that I can relate to others in a knowledgeable way. I also look at the positive my troubles are for the doctors that are treating me. Maybe they will learn something to help some else. 

“An Alcoholic’s saying is ‘poor me, pour me another drink’. That’s the horse walking in circles… 

“We are responsible for our happiness, bottom line.

“Praying is my answer. Kick the negative out! It serves nothing. Do it enough and it become a habit….a new path for that horse to follow.”

Amen to all this! Thank you friend. Thank You Lord!

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