Participate in the Process



God has a Process.


We have participation in the process.

We have a plan because of the process.

And we have a pursuit because of the process to make the process work to plan.

On occasion you have to prod through the process.

Pause at the plateaus.

Peer at the pinnacles.

God has a Process.


Sometimes there’s phlegmatic purging,

Sometimes there’s pinpoint problem solving,

Often there’s purposeful petitioning.

Proof in the pudding.

Playfulness in the patterns

It’s a Prayerful Process. 


Sometimes you push in the process. 

Sometimes you pull and sometimes you do nothing at all but be PATIENT. 

Yes you must be patient in the process but you MUST participate.

Participate in the process. 

Pursue God’s process.


Plan to work with HIS PLAN.



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