Stay a Child of God


This is one of my favorite non-real biblical fairy tales, an old folk song (link below for Sting singing it) where Joseph was so mad at Mary being with child that he said: “Let the father of the baby gather cherries for you”… Then the cherry trees themselves lowered their branches to the ground. Joseph stood down and apologized. Humbled. MARY GOT HER CHEIRRIES EITHER WAY.

It’s not a real story, no, not in the Bible, but oh the imagery is fantastic and the point of the story is stirring, and the necessary humility that Joseph (and we) need to have for God is both as Creator and Controller – but BETTER THAN THAT, HE IS OUR COMPASSIONATE FATHER.

Humbled yes, but the imagery that holds me captivated is of the trees bending down, it’s the compassion on the Child and the mom, also a child. And Mary happily gathered cherries. Now we also don’t know if Jesus made Mary’s life easy (but surely He would also tell her to enjoy one day at a time) – and we do know that He would be compassionate towards her – and we do know He was obedient to God His Father too.

The truth in this story is that God does love us to be childlike towards Him in acceptance and Joy. We often must “adult” in earthly life, but as for living best, we can acquiesce to a GREATER POWER who molds us and wants to please us at the same time. Imagine life eternal with acceptance of Jesus’s sacrifice for our wrongs – we are released to be children again – forever. 

Let us therefore stay a Child of God, now and forever, enjoy His Warmth of constant attention and love. Enjoy the Christmas Gift of a Christ Child and a Grown Savior.


“Sting sings cherry tree carol. Live in newcastle dec 2009” on YouTube


When Joseph was an old man, an old man was he
He courted Virgin Mary, the queen of Galilee
He courted Virgin Mary, the queen of Galilee

When Joseph and Mary were walking one day
Here is apples and cherries so fair to behold
Here is apples and cherries so fair to behold

Then Mary spoke to Joseph so meek and so mild
“Joseph, gather me some cherries for I am with child”
“Oh, Joseph, gather me some cherries for I am with child”

Then Joseph flew in anger, in anger he flew
“Oh, let the father of the baby gather cherries for you”
“Oh, let the father of the baby gather cherries for you”

So the cherry-tree bowed low down, low down to the ground
And Mary gathered cherries while Joseph stood down
And Mary gathered cherries while Joseph stood down

Then Joseph took Mary, all on his right knee
Crying, “Lord, have mercy for what I have done”
Crying, “Lord, have mercy for what I have done”

When Joseph was an old man, an old man was he
He courted Virgin Mary, the queen of Galilee
He courted Virgin Mary, the queen of Galilee

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